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  1. The ulnar boundary of the anatomical snuff box is the tendon of extensor pollicus longus.
  2. The dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery superficial to the tendon of extensor carpi ulnaris.
  3. The trapezium makes up the floor of the anatomical snuff box.
  4. The anterior interosseus artery provides blood to the dorsal carpal arch (rete).
  5. The extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris are synergists in regards to adduction of the hand at the wrist.
  6. Extensor digiti minimi is in the superficial layer of the extensor muscles.
  7. The interossei muscles attach to the extensor hood distal to the attachment of the lumbricals.
  8. The abductor pollicus longus inserts on the ulnar side of the base of the first metacarpal.
  9. Distal to the extensor pollicus brevis the posterior interosseus nerve runs superficial to extensor pollicus longus.
  10. The posterior interosseus nerve pierces the interosseus membrane to innervate pronator quadratus.




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This topic: Main > WebHome > UpperLimbBackLectures > ExtensorRegionForearmDorsumHandLearningObjectives
Topic revision: 23 Sep 2009, UnknownUser
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