Laboratory Identifications and Relations -- Parotid Region, Temporomandibular Joint, Mandible
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Temporomandibular Joint and Parotid Region
Mastoid process
Styloid process
Stylomastoid foramen
External acoustic meatus
Postglenoid tubercle
Madibular fossa
Articular tubercle
Mandibular notch
Masseteric artery
Masseteric nerve
Coronoid process
Articular capsule
Superior synovial cavity 5. Articular Disk
Inferior synovial cavity
Superior head of lateral pterygoid
Inferior head of lateral pterygoid
Posterior fibers of temporalis
Anterior fibers of temporalis
Facial nerve
Auriculotemporal nerve
Communicating branch (parasympathetics)
Posterior belly digastric
Stylohyoid muscle
Lesser occipital nerve
Great auricular nerve
Parotid Gland
condyle - site of insertion for inferior head lateral pterygoid muscle
neck - anterior to external auditory canal
coronoid process - insertion of temporalis muscle
mandibular notch - transmits masseteric artery and nerve to masseter muscle
ramus - lateral boarder of infratemporal fossa, retromandibular vein, maxillary
artery, parotid gland
angle - near level of lingula (medial surface)
body - most commonly broken bone in males, fracture puts inferior alveolar
nerve and artery at risk
inferior alveolar process - base of teeth
mandibular foramen - transmits inferior alveolar nerve and artery into
mandible, inferior to lingula
lingula - site of attachment of sphenomandibular ligament
digastric fossa - origin of anterior belly of digastric muscle
superior and inferior mental spine - origin of genioglossus and geniohyoid
sphenomandibular ligament - from spine of sphenoid to lingula, limits depression
of the mandible
mental foramen - transmits mental nerve and artery (continuation of inferior
alveolar nerve)
inferior alveolar nerve and artery - provides the inferior dental plexus
inferior dental plexus
temporalis muscle - arises from temporal fossa, medial to zygomatic arch,
inserts on coronoid process and anterior ramus
masseter muscle - arises from zygomatic arch, inserts on lateral body and
angle of mandible
medial pterygoid muscle - originates from medial aspect of lateral pterygoid
plate, inserts on medial body
mental nerve and artery
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine of the The Pennsylvania State University
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