Human Gross Anatomy - Laboratory Identifications for Lower Limb and Thorax
Laboratory 7 - Joints of the Lower Extremity
[ SBMP ] [ 01 ] [ 02 ] [ 03 ]
[ 04 ] [ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ 07 ]
[ 08 ] [ 09 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ]
Hip Joint
- Articular capsule
- Articular cartilage
- Fovea capitis
- Acetabular labrum
- Ligamentum capitis
- Synovial membrane
- Transverse acetabular ligament
- Iliofemoral ligament
- Pubofemoral ligament
- Ischiofemoral ligament
- Femoral neck
- Intertrochanteric crest
Knee Joint
- Oblique popliteal ligament
- Arcuate ligament
- Anterior cruciate ligament
- Posterior cruciate ligament
- Patellar ligament
- Suprapatellar bursa
- Subcutaneous prepatellar bursa
- Intrapatellar bursa
- Tibial collateral ligament
- Medial meniscus
- Lateral meniscus
- Fibular collateral ligament
- Transverse genicular ligament
Ankle Joint
- Deltoid ligament
- Posterior tibiotalar ligament
- Tibiocalcaneal ligament
- Tibionavicular ligament
- Anterior tibiotalar ligament
- Lateral ligaments
- Anterior talofibular ligament
- Calcneofibular ligament
- Posterior talofibular ligament
- Long plantar ligament
- Short plantar ligament
- Spring ligament
- Talocrual joint
Transverse joint
- calcaneo-cuboid
- talus-navicular
Subtalar joint
- Talus-calcaneus
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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine
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